PROmoting Gender mainstrEaming iN acaDemia through thE enhancement of gendeR equalIty and iNclusion in hiGher education

Ensuring fairness for all genders in higher education is crucial, which is why having clear Gender Equality Plans and closely monitoring how they are carried out is so important. Women often face barriers like fewer leadership roles or unfair treatment, and these plans help tackle those issues step by step. By keeping a close eye on how well these plans are working, higher education institutions can make sure they are making real progress and creating an environment where everyone, no matter their gender, can succeed and make a difference.
PRO-GENDERING (PROmoting Gender mainstrEaming iN acaDemia through thE enhancement of gendeR equalIty and iNclusion in hiGher education) is an Erasmus+ project aspiring to support a more gender-equal Higher Education (HED) sector through the implementation and monitoring of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs).
PRO-GENDERING seeks to address the risk of inactive and inefficient Gender Equality Plans and to facilitate structural and cultural change at HEIs around gender equality, through enhancing the capacity of the HED sector to implement and monitor/evaluate GEPs. Students will have an important role from the beginning of the project, leading not only to the improvement of their self-awareness on the topic but also to an Academic community which is more inclusive, diverse and embraces change from below.

Our Goals
promote gender equality, inclusion, diversity and respect to difference in the Academia;
strengthen the capacity of Universities to build inclusive education communities through the provision of know-how to implement Gender Education Plans (GEPs);
educate university students on the topic of GEPs;