Results & Outputs

Handbook on Implementing Gender Equality Plans in Higher Education Institutions
A Handbook consisting of innovative methods and tools to support HEIs to apply, monitor and evaluate the implementation of their GEPs. The results will contribute to fostering the gender equality culture at HEIs.
It has a particular focus on measures on improving awareness of Gender Equality, measures against gender-based violence, and inclusive campuses with accessible working and learning environments where everyone is treated with respect.
To this purpose, Country reports will be produced by conducting national-scale research on resources and needs for implementing GEPs, as well as an online report as an elaboration of the comparative Google Slides slide book.
Available in English, Italian, Polish, Greek, Lithuanian, German, and Dutch.
Awareness Raising Toolkit
The Toolkit includes various tools targeting students.
The tools provide guidelines on setting goals & objectives; structuring messages; selecting appropriate means and/or media/tools; drafting action plans; as well as information, resources, material and examples of activities (for example fact sheets, case studies, visuals) etc.
The Toolkit contains gender-specific sections (e.g. tools to reflect one’s own gender-situation in the University or cases for gender bias in HED).
The toolkit may include activities and information around various areas (e.g. inclusive organisational culture and work-life balance; gender balance in governance; equality in recruitment and careers; gender approach in research and teaching; measures against stereotypes, violence and harassment).
Available in English, Italian, Polish, Greek, Lithuanian, German, and Dutch.
National Policy Reports
Based on the impact assessment of the project’s outcomes, identifying lessons learned, each partner drafts a policy report in their national language providing good practices and policy recommendations to all relevant stakeholders. This will help enhance the policy dialogue not only among the key stakeholders but also among wider audiences.
Available in English, Italian, Polish, Greek, Lithuanian, German, and Dutch.