Who we are

Isabella Crespi
Isabella Crespi (Ph.D) is Full Professor of Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the University of Macerata. Since 2017 member of the advisory board of the European Network of Sociology of the Family of which she was coordinator from 2013 to 2017. She has been a member of the Italian Sociology Association since 1999 and was a member of the Scientific Council of the Gender Studies Section from 2012 to 2015. She was re-elected for the three-year term 2021-2024. From 2020 to 2022 she was a member of the Gender and Generations Working Group of the National Observatory on the Family, Presidency of the Council of Ministers. She worked as an expert evaluator for the European Commission’s DG Justice (2020-2021) and is included in the expert list of the European Commission’s EIGE (European Institute for Gender Equality) (2020-2025). Since 2022 she has been co-editor of the international journal Families, Societies and Relationships (Bristol University Press). Her studies and interests concern; gender equality, family, education, cultures and religions from a gender and generational perspective.

Chryssa Sotiriou
Chryssa Sotiriou holds a BA in International and European Economic Studies from the Athens University of Economics and Business and an MA in Conflict, Governance and Development from the University of York. She has many years of experience in the humanitarian field, specialising in the interdisciplinary context of migration. In KMOP she works in the Human & Fundamental Rights Unit as a project manager in the areas of inclusion, gender equality, gender-based violence, education and sport.

Anna Maria Migdał
Anna Maria Migdał is an Associate Professor at the University of Social Sciences. She holds a PhD in Economics, but her research is interdisciplinary due to her scientific interests and professional experience. For many years, she has been responsible for taking care of international students as the coordinator and vice-dean for international programs. She also served as the ombudsman for people with disabilities. Her research mainly focuses on cross-cultural management and sustainability in management, bias and other ethical concerns of AI application, as well as exploring the challenges and experiences faced by underprivileged groups, such as refugees, migrants, international students, and women, in various contexts.

Dr. Markus Gloe
Dr. Markus Gloe (he/him) is a Professor of Citizenship Education at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science at Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. After he studied teaching and education for public schools with a focus on history, political science, citizenship education and economics he was a teacher in a vocational school. Today he trains future teachers. Gender Equality has an important role both in the design of his courses and as a research object. In recent years, he developed the competence model “Democracy Competences at Service Learning” together with the S-L Foundation Germany and conducted research on civic education and anti-discrimination. He is particularly interested in what competencies young people can acquire through democracy education and methodology.

Karen Cruyt
Karen Cruyt is a PhD researcher at the Law, Science, Technology and Society Research Group (LSTS) and a member of the Health and Ageing Law Lab (HALL). Before joining the HALL, she worked as a legal consultant specialising in data protection law. She obtained her Master of Laws in International and European Law at VUB and wrote her Master’s thesis on the interplay between language policies, discrimination and the free movement of persons and services within the EU. She also holds a Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literature from Ghent University, where her main courses were Dutch and English. Her research interests include data protection laws, the use of health data, technology and AI, and discrimination.

Irena Zemaitaityte
Irena Zemaitaityte is a Professor at the Institute of Education Science and Social Work, leader of Lifelong Learning laboratory at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania. She is involved as researcher and trainer in the fields of lifelong learning, non-formal and women education. She was project manager of many projects concerning adult education, cultural educational activities, digital teachers’ competences, and education of vulnerable groups. She is trainer in andragogy and facilitator in participatory methods, working on these issues both at local, national and transnational level. She is a member of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults and a Editor in chief of the Scientific Journal “Social Inquiry into Well-Being”. Research experience: presented more than 45 presentations in scientific forums, published more as 54 articles in scientific periodicals. She took part in 12 international projects as coordinator (group leader).